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A Randomized Trial Comparing the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to a Mediterranean Diet in Adults with Crohn's Disease


Researchers compared the effectiveness of a Mediterranean style diet to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet in nearly 200 Crohn's disease patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms on stable doses of medications. With both diets, nearly half of the patients experienced resolution of their symptoms. After six weeks, 43.5% of patients following a Mediterranean style diet and 46.5% of patients following the Specific Carbohydrate Diet achieved symptomatic remission.

While the Specific Carbohydrate Diet has typically been popular among IBD patients, public health experts often recommend a Mediterranean style diet because it has a variety of other health benefits. Researchers from the DINE-CD study also note that it is easier to follow than Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

Full Scientific Manuscript

scd; specific carbohydrate diet; specific carbohydrate; md; mediterranean; mediterranean style diet; mediterranean diet; diet;
